WOMEN LIBERTY: Does India Needs it?

To know from where and why did this word emerge in India we would have to look a bit into the history. India is a country where people, for strength worship Durga ma, for wealth worship Lakshmi ma and for knowledge worship Sarasvati ma. Here people fought for the freedom of “Bharat Mata”, where Vande Mataram which means ‘Long live the mother(land)’ is considered the national song. Then why in such a women-centered country, women are weak?

An ancient Indian quote “yatr naryaste pujyante ramante tatr devta” which means “Women Are Honored Where, Divinity Blossoms There; And where they are dishonored , all action remains unfruitful.”. In many Indian temples still entry is only possible in couples. To be the host of a mortar the presence of wife is necessary. How can in such a country women be considered weak? In this country where women were never considered weak or helpless then from where did this thought ever emerge?

The center of all these problems is the western culture which ruled over us for 200 years! We will have to understand the philosophical thoughts of Europe and America. According to their so called philosopher PLATO women do NOT have a soul. It is said that European civilization is the foot note of Plato. Then a philosopher named Ruso who claims to be a student of Plato took forward the traditions of Plato. According to Plato women are like showpieces to be kept in the house when bored they should be replaced with a new one.Marriages don’t last very long there in Europe! If a women gets pregnant then only her husband or the so called man who is her husband can only touch the child first, the women who is the child bearer is not given this right. Plato’s own 4th child was disowned and thrown to the dogs because his wife touched the child first! Plato abolished the tradition of keeping the child at home because according to him a child proves to be a hurdle in the pleasure time of a couple! If a couple wants to keep the child at home then only and only the man of the house can decide on the same. And the proof of all these stories of Plato are in his book ‘Republic and Laws’. Till the 7th century a women was not even considered a human being, then at last after 41/40 increase in the votes they started considering women as humans in Europe. This happened after the Human Rights program of Europe. Human Rights program was also given by the same civilization. Now we shall talk about today that is the current century.

The United States of America is a country which is praised all over the world, this country got independence in the 1778 and became a democracy but women were given voting rights in the 1926 which means almost after 148 years! In the same way Britain which has been Democratic for thousands of years gave voting rights to women in 1924 that is almost 800 years after having democracy! Women were given voting rights in France in 1946 and in Germany in 1945. These countries needed women empowerment way more than India! Do you know when did the women of Switzerland get their voting rights? You can’t even imagine but, before that india had got its first woman prime minister Indira Gandhi in 1966 whereas the women of Switzerland got their voting rights in 1972. Do we the citizens of India know the complete history of our country? I can challenge that more than 90℅ of the Indians only know what the Britishers want us to know because in the syllabi we are not taught anything about the development of our country. Another trend has begun that if someone in western clothes comes in an assembly and insults their own country but praises America or England then he is considered intelligent and a great man but if abroad someone abuses India the topic is ignored!

I request all the women to spread the above word among as many as possible so that we give the same respect to our women which we used to but it got lost with the western culture.

We have to understand that no another country wants us to develop because if this happens then all the intelligent of our country will show love and affection for the country and all the other countries will definitely go in losses!

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