REVISION of 19 to 21 DAYS ! and here we introspect what all we have studied

DAY 19,20  and 21


  1. Explain the inadequacy of Ampere’s circuital law
  2. Write the properties of electromagnetic waves.
  3. Write any five electromagnetic waves in the order of decreasing frequency and write any two properties and uses of each
  4. Establish the transverse nature of electromagnetic waves.
  5. Compare the properties of electromagnetic waves and mechanical waves




  1. Derive mirror formula for a concave mirror and convex mirror.
  2. What is lateral shift. On what factors these depend.
  3. Define TIR and write the conditions for TIR. Derive a relation between critical angle and the refractive index of the medium. Also explain the working of isosceles prism and optical fiber.
  4. Derive relation between apparent height and real height.


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  1. What oscillates in electromagnetic waves? Are these waves transverse or longitudinal?
  2. Write the relationship between amplitudes of electric and magnetic fields in free space for an electromagnetic wave.
  3. What modification was made by Maxwell in Ampere circuital law?
  4. Give the brief history of em waves.
  5. Write Maxwell’s equation for steady electric field.
  6. What is Maxwell’s displacement current?
  7. State four properties of electromagnetic waves.
  8. The velocity of e.m. wave in free space is given by How does this relation indicate that the velocity of all types of electromagnetic waves is same in free space?
  9. Show that only an accelerated charge can produce an electromagnetic wave                       
  10. Arrange in descending order of wavelength: g rays, X rays and visible light.
  11. Which part of the electromagnetic spectrum is used in operating a RADAR?
  12. What are microwaves? Give their one use.
  13. What is the ratio of speed of gamma rays and radio waves in vacuum?
  14. Arrange the given electromagnetic radiations in the descending order of their frequencies: Infra red, X − rays, Ultraviolet and Gamma rays.
  15. Give one use of each of the following: (i) microwaves (ii) infra − red waves (iii) ultraviolet radiation (iv) gamma rays



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UNIT 1 (Electrostatics)


UNIT 2 (current electricity)


UNIT 3 (Magnetic effect ofcurrent and Magnetism)


UNIT 4 (EMI and AC)


UNIT 5 Electromagnetic Waves





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