Revise 2 Dimension Motion in 12 minutes and Also previous year Solved NEET

Dear students

In previous episode we talked about motion in One dimension,  as a part of kinematics. Now we will discuss motion in two dimensions,  in kinematics.  Here we will study about the river problem,  rain problem and projectile motion.  Prior to this we must have the knowledge of  vector resolution  and vector resultant .

In the topic of vector,  we have to understand basic resolution,  principle, which states that perpendicular vectors rectangular components do not have effect on each other . Firstly we take up river problem.  it is the common question in your examination so you should be able to solve it precisely.  Whenever such question is there,  we will resolve the velocity of  the boat along the particular direction parallel to river and also perpendicular to river . the component of boat perpendicular to the river is responsible for covering the width,  while is the component parallel to river will decide as to where,  boat will reach.

Next comes the topic of  half projectile,  where by a body is thrown horizontally  from a particular height . Now acceleration due to gravity  will bring it down,  The vertical motion is responsible for the time of flight. Always remember that vertical motion,  which decides time and height are having acceleration due to gravity,  while the horizontal direction  does not have acceleration hence horizontal velocity never changes.

Similarly for full projectile motion,  we resolve velocity into horizontal and vertical components,  keeping in mind that in horizontal direction there is no acceleration,  while vertical direction is having acceleration due to gravity,  vertically downwards.  I am sure you know the basic formula which have been discussed recent videos,  please note down all the formulas in the copy and then start doing questions.

Lastly we should also know the concept of uniform circular motion and also non uniform circular motion . In uniform circular motion the speed remains constant,  but as the velocity is always tangential to  the circle,  its direction continuously changes.  velocity is changing it must have an acceleration.  This acceleration termed as centripetal acceleration, and it is responsible only and only to change the direction.  While in non uniform circular motion  the speed also changes,  hence there is one more acceleration  responsible for changing the speed as well.  This acceleration which is causing magnitude of velocity to change is called tangential acceleration.  the net resultant acceleration is a vector sum of  both accelerations,  namely centripetal tangential acceleration.

Also in the last video we have discussed the recent questions which have come in your examination.  NEET 2019  questions will help you understanding  type of questions,  which are asked medical entrance examinations.  The method to solved video simple is very simple,  first see the question and then try to solve it yourself,  if there is an issue,  please look into the hint given to you buy me in the video,  can again try to solve the question.  at last you can see the solution but if you have done with some other method and got the right answer please stick to your answer. Thank you

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