PLANNING for NEET, know number of Seats and then Set Your Target

Dear students,

I feel now you are well prepared for your NEET 2020 exam. The examination for medical college entrance.  Few things which you must always keep in mind.  Now when  application date has been given as 2nd December 2019 ant last date off application will be 31st December.  With certain amendment dates and dates for  filling centre dates and location.  Date for the admit card will be 27th March 2020 and examination date has been given as 3rd May 2020.

Before planning for giving examination one should be very clear that what is going to be our ultimate aim to score.  What score and which type of seat we want to get in.  First of all please  analyse number  of seats required marks for every type of seat so that we can plan accordingly. Now this year government is trying to increase the seats also as. is the case every year. Government knows that present medical seats in India are inadequate so they are planning year by year to increase the seat. But right now let us see how many seats are available. There are around 67000 MBBS seats and around 32000 total BDS or dental seats, that makes roughly 100000 seats which will be filled by NEET examination.

We should be very clear whether we are going to apply for government college or in  private college,  for that we should understand how many seats are available in each type of college. So  as per information amongst 67000 seats in MBBS, government seats are around 32000 similarly in around 32000 BDS ot dental seats only 3000 seats for Dental College. Now for medical college or Dental College,  let us try to understand how seats are being filled.

Now there is one thing called AIQ MBBS seats.  Every Government Medical College fills certain seeds from its own state and balance from all over India. This  is the story for medical colleges.  In around 32000 seats 5000 seats are termed as All India Quota seats that means if you score well enough, you can plan admission in top 5000 seats, then you can get admission in top Medical college apart from your home state also.

Now as the total number of seats are 32000,  5000 is of AIQ.  Now the balance seats are left 27000. Every state fills these seats on their own state quota student.  Students who scored very good marks prefer AIQ quota. Students getting slightly less get in their own state medical colleges.

One more exam is there for the medical entrance for AIIMS,  All India Institute of Medical Sciences. In these colleges 1107 seat are there. So people do prepare for  AIIMS college also. AIIMS is supposed to be the best medical college in the series of medical colleges.

Now if we consider student who is going to give either of these examinations we must understand how much time is left with them. Firstly we will talk about the droppers the one who are dropping a year for the medical entrance examination. They have cleared their 12th by 2019.  For them there is 8 months time available for preparation for NEET.

Regular class 12 students, we can say the time available is 5 months. A question might arise in your mind that today is the same date for dropper and regular students and the examination date is also same then how can be regular class 12 student get less time ?

Let me answer this, droppers do not have to give the board examination in the month of March, they will not be giving any examination. Regular students have to  go through practical examinations as well as pre-board examinations in the month of January and February. These 3 month January February March, may not be constructively utilised for the NEET examination by regular students.

Of course if your preparation for the Board examinations too good, you can steal around a month time from this. But roughly 60 days or 90 days for an average student will  be utilised for the board examination. Time available for the droppers is much more than the time available for regular students.

Now Let us understand how much marks are required init all India quota. I am giving you an average statistics, for All India Quota you should be 600+ marks, for the state quota you may get at 530 + marks. Hence you can get admission in at least a medical college. Scoring above will get you a better college in your fortune. At last we also have a line called students qualified for NEET.  Let us understand what does the qualified student means. As per norms of the government any student who feels like going to private medical college must qualify the NEET exam. Qualify the NEET exam actually means that his/her marks are in the top 50 percentile. By percentile we mean that your marks should be in top 50% students. Now to qualify NEET exam you require just 200 + marks,  that be is out of 720 if you score 200 + marks you will easily qualify.

Qualified means that amongst 12 lakh students, you score in top 6 lakh students but mind by you this type of way to enter in private medical college, you require around R1 1 crore to do MBBS and MD, which is very expensive. You should be the very clear for AIQ quota you should get 600+ and for state quota you must get 520+ and for qualifying you should get to around 200 +.

By now you have understood that to get into a private college you have to qualify only 200 + marks which is very easy and you need not to work hard for that. Now planning for a seat in government college.  If  you are planning 600+ then subject wise you should plan in Biology more than 330 out of 360.  In chemistry you must plan minimum 150 marks out of 180 marks. And for physics you must plan around 140 marks out of 180 marks that makes 620.  So you target for 620+ marks minimum. When you get around this you are comfortable is safe for the AIQ

No similarly we talk about the State quota for Biology you must plan more than 300 marks out of 360 For chemistry you must plant 125 plus marks out of 180 and lastly for physics 125 marks out of 180. This gives you 540 marks if you target for 540 marks at least you can think of a decent state quota college,

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