Ideal Fluid: Incompressible, The density cannot change on application of pressure or change in temperature. Consequence of this assumption is that the as we know the mass of any matter doesn’t change now as density also being constant the volume will also remain constant.

Second important aspect of the Ideal fluid, is that it is non viscous. In the third part of the chapter we will discuss viscosity, but for present you have to understand that it is liquid frictional force and hence is dissipative force.

In video we start with streamlines or velocity profile. It is that straight or curved path tangent to which gives the instantaneous direction of velocity of particle. Then important thing is about Laminar and Turbulent Flow. In fact the maximum velocity till which we can have laminar flow for a given set up is called critical velocity.

Next topic to understand, is concept of pressure energy. It is the third energy after kinetic energy, potential energy. The total pressure energy of volume V is PV. Where P is the pressure associated with volume V of liquid.

Based on concept of conservation of energy Bernoulli equation is used.

In consequence to this we have application of Bernoulli’s

Venturi meter

Air Lift : The force which helps to lift an air craft to the tune of 60%.

The wings are designed in such a shape that when air craft accelerated there exists a pressure difference. Upper portion has reduction in pressure due to increase in velocity head.

In almost all of the applications of Bernoulli the gravitational head does not play any role, so basically other two heads are only utilized.

Also coming next is velocity of efflux.

This velocity depends on the height of liquid above the hole or jet. Bottom most will have high velocity but again it will remain for a short span in air ( compare half projectile)

The top most has maximum time in air but agin its velocity is very less. So the range is less.

In fact for maximum range important is to keep it at half the height. We can even easily prove it.





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