ELECTROSTATICS NUMERICAL based on COULOMB LAW and Principle Of Superposition

In this episode we talk about the standard numerical using some basic concepts

You may please try yourself these questions then if any problem do see the video solution


  1. 9 mC and 36 mC are kept at 3 m apart. Where a charge Q should be kept so that net force on Q is zero. What should be the value of Q so that system is in equilibrium?
  2. Identical isolated conducting spheres 1 and 2 have equal charges and are separated by a distance that is large compared with their diameters . The electrostatic force acting on sphere 2 due to sphere 1 is F1 Suppose now that a third identical sphere 3, having an insulating handle and initially neutral, is touched first to sphere 1, then to sphere 2 , and finally removed. The electrostatic force that now acts on sphere 2 has magnitude F2.What is the ratio F1/F2?
  3. In four particles form a square. The charges are q1  = q4  = Q and q2  =  q3  =  q. (a) What is Q/q if the net electrostatic force on particles 1 and 4 is zero? (b) Is there any value of q that makes the net electrostatic force on each of the four particles zero? Explain.
  4. Of the charge Q initially on a tiny sphere, a portion q is to be transferred to a second, nearby sphere. Both spheres can be treated as particles. For what value of q/Q will the electrostatic force between the two spheres be maximized?
  5. Two identical spheres are attracting each other by 0.108 N when 0.5 m apart. Now they are touched by wire and they start repelling each other by 0.036 N. find initial charges.
  6. In Fig., two tiny conducting balls of identical mass m and identical charge q hang from nonconducting threads of length L. Assume that q is so small that tan q can be replaced by its approximate equal, sin q. Find the value of x

  1. Particle of mass m and charge q is sent with velocity u in electric field E. How much distance will it cover before momentarily coming to rest.
  2. Four equal charges ‘q’ are kept at the vertices of regular pentagon, each vertex at distance x from center. Find the force on charge Q kept at center.
  3. Three charges 2Q and -Q, -Q are kept at the vertices of equilateral triangle of side ‘a’. Find the net dipole of the system.
  4. Dipole of mass ‘m’ and dipole moment ‘p’ is kept in electric field ‘E’ . If it is displaced by small angle q. Describe its motion it the moment of Inertia about the center is I.

  5. Charges Q each are kept 2d distance apart. Charge Q1 having mass ‘m’ is kept at midpoint, describe its motion it charge Q1 is slightly displaced in axial position. What will happen if charge Q1 is negatively charged?
  6. Dipole of mass ‘m’ and dipole moment ‘p’ is kept in electric field ‘E’ . If it is displaced by small angle q. Describe its motion it the moment of Inertia about the center is I.


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