Attention BOARD Students and Parents!

How to revise for BOARD exams. It is really important. But again it is important not to loose threads. Student should not have any TENSION /stress is  a wrong underestimated statement. Stress increases or decreases your performance level, depends on how you handle it.

Your exams are going to start in a month and now it is the time for final AIM. Whatever you have missed till date is a history now. It is now to plan in a different mode. Do not carry extra stress of your examination. You can go through my videos on You tube to manage exam stress. Link is being provided in comment box. These videos will guide students and parents to manage exams in holistic manner to approach the exams. In furtherance to that I am starting a series of videos to help students to fight PHYSICS.

CBSE BOARD EXAMINATION 2018 is about to start, Still some students are confused about studies, some other are perplexed as how to revise. So here is the probable answer from my side to help such students. I will be publishing some videos on You Tube of about 10 minutes every alternated day. If required I will upload more or less depending even upon student requirement. In all videos first we will discuss the examination requirement, question wise, marks wise, difficulty level wise and then a short revision of topic but this all is based on marking scheme of CBSE. All published videos will have information about this website, from where you can easily download the text of videos. Also at website you will find collection of important questions. You are requested to use this to prepare your exams. Regarding any doubt/comment etc you can post either at you tube channel only or at website also. Should you complete any topic and want more questions, you may post request for that also.



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