2 Dimensional Motion Or Projectile Motion made easier for NEET 2018

Dear Students

Hope by now you must have done revision and questions from Dimensional analysis and 1 Dimensional Motion. You must have enrolled for NEET 2018 courses as well.

Now talking about 2 Dimensional Motion, There is nothing special if you understand that vector has to be resolved in two MUTUALLY perpendicular directions. One along which something is changing and along other where no change is taking place.

Let me elaborate if I have to cross a river, then crossing river is main job. hence we will resolve vectors along perpendicular direction and parallel to river. Now MOST importantly both of the components have to move independent to each other.

Similarly in projectile motion we resolve horizontal direction in which there is no acceleration and vertical direction in which downward acceleration of ‘g’ is always there.
Do understand this basic concept

Download Previous Years MCQ Here


Also we have finally MCQ of previous years as kinematics which include both 1 dimensional and 2 Dimensional motion



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